Date |
In Class Activity |
Long Term/Optional HW |
Homework Due Soon |
Fri8/18 |
Meet in Research Center Matrix Website Discussion Choose teams and discuss Team Work How to read interactively Great Egg Toss and Eggomercial Building Consensus Debrief |
There will be extra credit films for every unit. Some are rated 'R' so you need to get your parent's permission. For this unit unfortunately, there are no worthwhile films. Marie Antoinette was really bad, the Lady and the Duke is okay but hard to track down, and The Affair of the Necklace isn't good enough. So, you'll have to wait for the next unit. |
Begin organization of your class binder. Make sure to have your history portion sectioned out. Please join our MAP 10 Facebook group Print out the guide to class read it and have your parents sign the academic honor policy. Complete interactive reading the paper we started in class and answer Main Ideas questions 3-5 on the sheet. Also do not forget your summary. Print out the parliamentary debate format sheet and make a debate placard. You will put the placard on your desk so I can learn your names and also use it for debates. Your flag and location should be from a province or a city in the United Kingdom and have the appropriate flag. (E.G. Flag of London.). Here is a website with some historical provinces/regions of England |
Tues8/22 |
Choose Roles for French Revolution Simulation and sides for the Louis XIV debate Website and Green Sheet Discussion Lecture & Cornell Note Practice: Buehler & Why study history/ Absolutism and requirements for democracy |
Start Reading French Revolution Packet 1789-1799. You only have to do the questions for this packet. It isn't due till 9/2 but it is long so get an early start.
Interactively read your side of the Louis XIV debate (Pro or con sheet) Start working on your women in the French Revolution packet which is due next Monday. You do not need to interactively read it. Be ready to do simulation part 1 Wear your costumes to class - for stage 1 they don't have to be that elaborate. Here is a simple idea for the peasants. Print out and bring to class the Trial of Robespierre. We will discuss it when we have some extra time. |
Thu8/24 |
Louis XIV Debate Abolutism v. Enlightenment Lecture Stage 1 of French Revolution simulation: Life in the Ancien Regime Time permitting discuss Trial of Robespierre |
Characters begin getting ready for the trial. Some of the three world history classes may have an essay test for the French Revolution. To be ready for a possible essay, please print out and reflect on the following Essay Test |
Peasants, I feel bad for you so I am going to elevate your status to bourgeoisie. Everyone should come to class dressed for stage 2 of the simulation as a member of the bourgeoisie. I will grade you based on your costume and participation for this stage. You don't need to go overboard - long socks, some kind of cape like thing etc (wanna be noble). Finish Women in the French Revolution. Do the questions only, on the Women packet You do not need to interactively read it. If you haven't yet, start questions for French Revolution 1789-1799 (for 9/6). Interactive reading for this packet is recommended but not required. |
Mon8/28 |
American Revolution Video/Worksheet Lecture: Causes of the French Revolution Leading up to the meeting of the Estates General Begin Simulation Stage 2 of the revolution. King, nobility, clergy and controller general should dress up the same and peasants should come as members of the bourgeoisie. |
Think the debt problem in France was bad? How about America?national debt
Inequity in France caused a revolution..what about America? 'When I graduated from college, the average corporate CEO made 20 times what the average worker did. Today, it's nearly 400 times. In other words, it takes the average worker more than a year to make the money his or her boss makes in one day.-Senator Jim Webb |
Print out and give the film permission slip to your parents. If you do not turn it in you will be given an alternative assignment rather than watching the upcoming film. Read and do What is the 3rd Estate for Wednesday. This is your first preparation for a DBQ which we will discuss later. You do not need to dress for class on Wednesday (king bring your crown tho). |
Wed8/30 |
Finish Stage 2 of French Revolution:Present speeches to king and get his response. Start Crossfire Debate: What was the main cause of the French Revolution? Tennis Court Oath & National Assembly Making a new constitution Lecture/Discussion/Reading: Economics and Revolution - Karl Marx, Henry Ford, and the Great Depression |
Think about starting to review for the Test. See the French Revolution Study Guide Up to 5 points extra credit can be obtained by doing the french revolution song assignment. Do tasks 1-6 only. Here are a couple of examples of the French Revolution songs created by previous MAP classes (1 and 2.) and the best #3 |
Finish interactively highlighting the Henry Ford/Karl Marx packet from today Interactively highlighting the purple Bastille packet from today (and do the questions). Questions for French Revolution 1789-1799 packet due 9/6 |
Fri9/1 |
Briefly Discuss Trial Results of the Bastille: the Great Fear, 'Let them eat cake' Video Clip: Marie Antoinette, Declaration of Rights of Man & Political Parties in the French Revolution & The Political Spectrum Continue Crossfire (Part 3): Women Secondary or Front and Center? |
If you were confused by the lecture today please read this French Republic It might be a good idea to start studying for the upcoming test: French Revolution Study Guide A second version is here French Revolution Study Guide 2 Download and study from Mr. Davey's French Revolution PPT if you wish. Review your cornell notes and come ask questions! |
Remember to come dressed for the most important stage of our French Revolution simulation on Wednesday. This stage will have the highest value on your grade (participation and dress). Remember to wear a cockade. Here is a sample of era costumes. Finish Questions for French Revolution 1789-1799 Print out and read the Terror Case File. It should prove useful for the trial and post-trial jury papers. You don't have to turn it in. Print out and bring to class the Danton Video Guide. Do not fill it out until the class film. If you haven't already turned in the MAP10 Film Permission slips you will not be able to watch the movie and you will have an alternative assignment. Prep for Trial Characters come dressed up Sept 14th! Here are the witness prep documents to help you with the characters. Papers are due on 9/14: Robespierre, Desmoullins, Danton, St. Just, Louis XVI, Marat, , Antoinette, Lindet, -->Jury (Revolutionary Tribunal): Please wear all black and black hats (like they do in the film we will see) |
Wed9/6 |
Start French Rev. Simulation Part 3Video Clip: The Fall of Louis XVI
Print out and bring this Out Of Class Participation Form to 3 events each semester. It is do on the last day of class. Read (not interactively) and do the questions (only) for Liberty Must Prevail Packet. Interactively read the accounts of Edmund Burke and Thomas Paine to prepare for discussion Friday. Prep for Trial: Lawyers, this common objections and trial procedure list might help you prepare for the trial. Prosecution" Make sure you have charges by Thursday Night (please put the charges on the Facebook group). Check with Mr. Davey first. |
Fri9/8 |
Continue French Revolution: Lecture: The Death of Marat and the Height of the Terror. Video:the Guillotine Continue Crossfire (Part 3): Where is the revolution going?Mini Lecture: De-Christianization Campaign of the Committee of Public Safety & the Fracturing of the Jacobins Film Clips: Danton
Start studying for Test. See the French Revolution Study Guide |
Start reading the Trafalgar article(not interactive) and do the questions It is due Thursday. Trial moved to Thursday! Lawyers bring a binder Thursday with your witness information and opening statement and you will need to complete the peer evaluation after the trial. Here are the witness prep documents to help you with the characters. Make sure to dress your parts! 20% of your grade on the trial is based on your class costume. Trial lawyers: modern lawyers, Jury: All black (dressy), Witness/Defendant: As your character would: Robespierre, Desmoullins, Danton, St. Just, Louis XVI, Marat, , Antoinette, Lindet, -->Jury (Revolutionary Tribunal): Please wear all black and black hats (like they did in the film)Jury here is the form for the Jury Report. The report is due in ten days. |
Tues9/12 |
Lecture: The height of the terror and its fall Film Clips: Danton
An alternative version of the study guide is here French Revolution Study Guide 2 Download and study from Mr. Davey's French Revolution PPT |
Finish Trial Prep: Lawyers bring a binder Thursday with your witness information and opening statement and you will need to complete the peer evaluation after the trial. Here are the witness prep documents to help you with the characters. Make sure to dress your parts! 20% of your grade on the trial is based on your class costume. Trial lawyers: modern lawyers, Jury: All black (dressy), Witness/Defendant: As your character would: Robespierre, Desmoullins, Danton, St. Just, Louis XVI, Marat, , Antoinette, Lindet, -->Jury (Revolutionary Tribunal): Please wear all black and black hats (like they did in the film)Jury here is the form for the Jury Report. The report is due 9/23. Finish reading the Trafalgar article(not interactive) and do the questions Study for Test. See the French Revolution Study Guide |
Thu9/14 |
Finish Film Clips: Danton Lecture: the Thermidorian Reaction and the Directory  |
Finish studying for the Test. Here is a final version of the study guide There will be about 65 scantron questions. Interactively read and write a summary for the Legacy of the French Revolution I will collect it Friday but it might help you for the test to do it before Jury here is the form for the Jury Report (due 9/26). |
Mon9/18 |
French Revolution Test Lecture: The Thermidorian Reaction and the Directory Napoleon: Glory of France Lecture, video, and Napoleon Accomplishments packet |
Napoleon worksheets are due Friday Go to new site 19th Century Europe 3 mini-units Jury paper deadlines are Tues 9/26 |
Wed9/20 |
MAP Field Trip |
Finish the Napoleon handout we started in class. The Legacy of the French Revolution is due Friday Jury here is the form for the Jury Report (due 9/26). |
Fri9/22 |
Finish Napoleon: Glory of France Lecture, video, and discuss the Napoleon Accomplishments page Case Study: Napoleon Good or Bad? Time Permitting: Start the Congress of Vienna - Building a new Era |
Go to new site 19th Century Europe 2 mini-units |
Jury here is the form for the Jury Report (due 9/26). Go to our new unit page |