Study Hints:�
a.) Reread your notes each night after class. Highlight them and write questions in the margins.
b.) Do the chapter reviews
c.) Review your worksheets and
handouts when they are returned
d.) Make sure you know the vocabulary
e.) Come see the teacher if you are confused
f.) Start studying early !
General Issues: | Cause: Problems of 18th Century France |
Effect: Revolution |
Social | Class Structure Bourgeosie powerless |
Bourgeoisie creates National Assembly Mob Rule in Paris - Bastille Day |
Political | Poor Monarchs Poor Ministers Absolutist but asked for help |
Estates General Called New Constitution formed |
Economic | Unfair Taxation Peasants in debt, poor crops Nation in debt |
Estates General Called to get more money Continued Inequity leads to calls for more equality |
Intellectual | Locke, Voltaire, Montesquieu, Rousseau call for change Spread by Salons |
Declaration of Rights on Man calls for liberty, property, security, and resistance to oppression. Lots of educated, literate lawyers to lead the revolution |