The Judicial Branch

Homework/In Class Assignments for American Government Class

Unit II Government Assignments

The focus of this unit will be an analysis of the judicial system, one of the three key branches of government. We will commence by analyzing how the Supreme Court gained its power of judicial review and analyze how this authority has effected our government. Our focus will then shift to an investigation of the impact of the Bill of Rights on America's past and present and attempt to determine what may be the proper balance between police powers and the rights of the accused especially in light of the war on terrorism. The four week unit will conclude with a chapter 18-22 test.

Note that this schedule is tentative. The teacher hopes to move faster than the long term plan.


In Class Activity




  • Quest: The Legislative Branch
  • Begin Lecture Structure of the Federal Court System
  • Download, print out, and have your parents sign the Map Senior Film Permission Slip
  • Download and bring to class the Free Speech Crossfire
  • You can print out the vague outline for the unit's 2nd lecture here: 1st Amendment
  • I was disappointed by the results on the Legislative Branch examination. Here is the debrief form should you need it.
  • Tues


  • Finish Lecture Structure of the Federal Court System
  • Start Lecture/Discussion 1st Amendment
  • Start Free Speech Triad/Analyze Tinker v. Des Moines

    "If the freedom of speech is taken away then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter."
                                          -George Washington
  • Print out, if you wish, our First Amendment Lecture.
  • Download and bring to class the People v. Larry Flynt video guide
  • Thu


  • Continue Lecture/Discussion 1st Amendment
  • Continue Free Speech TriadTexas v. Johnson, Schenck v. US Necessity is the excuse for every infringement on freedom.

    'Necessity is the excuse for every infringement on freedom.'                                       -William Pitt
  • Review what we studied in class today here
  • Read and do Hazelwood Court Analysis
  • Print out Freedom of Religion Triad and...
  • Finish all the Case Background sections (only) for the triad matrix
  • Mon


  • Start People v. Larry Flynt
  • (Time permitted) Discuss Hazelwood
  • (Time permitted) Video clip: Stossel: You Can't Say That!
    "Freedom is the concern of the oppressed, and her natural protectors have always come from among the oppressed."

  • Print out Freedom of Religion Questions
  • Print out Freedom of Religion Triad
  • Download and bring to class Marathon Freedom of Religion.
  • Tues


  • Finish People v. Larry Flynt
  • Freedom of Religion: Establishment Clause
  • Group Video Analysis: Marathon Case Study
    "The First Amendment has erected a wall between Church and State which must be kept high and impregnable"
                                          -Hugo Black
  • Interesting blog on prayer at football games
  • If you haven't already you must print out Freedom of Religion Triad and...
    Finish all the Case Background sections (only) for the crossfire matrix
  • Finish the Marathon sheet we started in class today.
  • If you want to do the extra credit during 7th period on Thursday please download the Skokie Video Guide and bring it with you.
  • Please check the First Amendment Review Sheet if you wish (updated!).
  • The 1st Amendment PPT help you study for the quest?
  • Thu


  • Freedom of Religion with Five Crossfire cases matrix and Free Exercise video casess
  • Finish 1st Amendment: Skokie
  • (Time Permitting) Start Mini-Lecture: 2nd Amendment lecture/ppt
    "It does me no injury, for my neighbor to say there are twenty gods, or no God. It neither picks my pocket nor breaks my leg."
                                          -Thomas Jefferson
  • If your in the homework option please do the following Free Speech HW
  • A local curfew law
  • Have fun with this clip and DC v Helller, and Sweetness.
  • Read Chapter 20:4
  • Mon


  • Finish Mini-Lecture: 2nd Amendment lecture/ppt
  • Start: Lecture Rights of Accused:Watch clip of Gideon's Trumpet disarm the people - that was the best and most effectual way to enslave them."
                     -George Mason
  • Finish reading all of Ch 20 (if you haven't read it)
  • Print out and bring to class Rights of the Accused Test Cases.
  • Tues


  • Continue Mini-Lecture: 2nd Amendment lecture/ppt
  • Continue Rights of the Accused:
  • Discussion: Law Black and White?
  • Print out and read: Law Black and White? (you don't have to highlight it).
  • Start preparation for the Judicial Branch Test (50 points): Make sure you know the court cases you will use them on the quest
  • Interested in poor Sam Sheppard's case from today? Read this. Not guilty?
  • Thu


  • Conclude 4th Amendment Exclusionary Rule Group Activity and Rights of the Accused
  • Print out, just in case we get to it, Civil Rights Lecture
  • Finish 4th Amendment Exclusionary Rule packets.
  • Mon


  • Finish Exclusionary Law and Discussion:
  • Take a quick look at Innocence Project
  • Start Preparing for Class Women's Rights Presentation. Print out the group that you are a part of, either Domestic Life, Education, Health, Media and Beauty Standards, Race and Ethnicity, Sports, Work)
  • Print out if you wish, our upcoming Civil Rights Lecture.
  • Do the Unit 2 Studyguide if you wish.
  • Tues


  • 8th Amendment: Cruel and Unusual and the Innocence Project
  • Start Civil Rights Lecture: Case Studies What level of Scrutiny?

  • Confused on equal protection limits? Look at Govt Discrimination
  • Study for test which is next Tuesday
  • Print out Read and highlight Patriot Act: Good or Bad and put it in your notes.
  • Thur


  • Test: Judicial Branch(moved to TBA)
  • Women's Right's Newscast (Canceled in 2013)
  • Lecture: Civil Rights
  • Civil Rights: College Admissions
  • Test next Tuesday
  • Mon


  • Veteran's Day
  • Tues


  • Joint Day with English: Good Night & Good Luck
  • Go to the new unit page