Homework/In Class Assignments for Mr. Davey's

World History Class

The Modern World

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Extra Credit movie format

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In Class Activity


Due Next Class



  • Finish Lecture: De-Colonialization: Africa (Case Study--->Zimbabwe)
  • Lecture Zimbabwe 1980-2010 (Video - Zimbabwe 2009)
  • Start Mugabe & the White African
  • Extra Credit Movies for this unit include: From Africa: Last King of Scotland - if you watch this one please read this article prior to watching the film & A Dry White Season and for China: To Live, Raise the Red Lantern - if you watch this one please read this article and incorporate it into your review, the Red Violin, Farewell My Concubine, or the Blue Kite.
  • Interactively highlight and do the questions for your UN Country page by Thursday
  • Print out, read and bring to class your film video guide Mugabe and the White African
  • Thu


  • Davey gone for SMASH'n prep day
  • Finish Mugabe & the White African
  • UN Simulation: What should we do about Zimbabwe?
    We say no to whites owning our land... It is ours and that message should ring loud and clear in Britain and the United States.
    --Robert Mugabe
  • Complete the Mugabe and the White Africanpost viewing guide (and interactively highlight the video guide) which you completed most of in class today.
  • Download, print out, and start considering your idea to Help Africa. You only have to do it for extra credit.
  • Print out, read, and have your parents sign the Taliban News Conference Invitation.
  • Mon


  • Cold War Quest
  • Case Study: Cold War's Effects on the 3rd World: Afghanistan w/video clip: Charlie Wilson's War
  • Look at updated Finals Studyguide
  • Interactively Read page 1-5 in your Afghanistan packet.
  • Wed


  • Davey Gone for Fishbowl.
  • Extra Credit Film: (Note: Its hard to watch at times)

    Lone Survivor
  • Interactively read your Afghanistan hot seat sheet and write an paragraph opening statement supporting your viewpoint for both sides.
  • Fri


  • Afghanistan Hotseat: What to do with Taliban?
  • What are drones and are they effective video clips
  • Hotseat: Drones.
  • Finish lecture on Afghanistan and terrorism
  • Finish Afghanistan, discuss Freedom Fighting versus Terrorism
  • Hot Seat: Drones
  • Start Modern China: Victory of Mao- Hundred Flowers Campaign-
  • Do pages 1-7 in the China packet
  • Prepare your costumes for the Taliban News Conference (everyone dress like a reporter and a costume for the TNC figure on Thursday). Print out and read through the TNC assignment.
  • Make sure you have an opening statement on your character - who he/se his and what they would have thought about the Taliban taking over Kabul.
  • Come debrief your Cold War Test if necessary.
  • Tues


  • Case Study: China Great Leap Forward - Yes or No?
  • Introduction to the Cultural Revolution
  • Watch this TED Talk on Women and the Taliban and take notes on a separate page.
  • Here is the storyboard format for Thursday.
  • Read pages 8-14 in the Sleeping Dragon packet. Do not forget to bring the packet to class during the unit.
  • Thurs


  • Taliban News Conference
       Step 1: Select Characters
       Step 2: Prep Character for Newsconference
       Step 3: Newsconference in Little Theater
       Step 4: In room 802 & download storyboard format
       Step 5: Create News Story on storyboard & write/film Editorial
  • Prepare for four corners debate on Monday. You should write an opening paragraph supporting your side and use at least one example from history class to support your viewpoint.
  • If you didn't already watch this TED Talk on Women and the Taliban and take notes on a separate page.
  • Mon


  • Start 4 corners activity
  • Film: Tank Man
  • Interactively read and prepare for the hot seat. What to do with China and the South China Sea?
  • Interactively Read Disciple of the Masses for English class.
  • Don't forget to do your out of class participation forms
  • Wed


  • Hot Seat (Modern China)
  • If you didn't already make sure you interactively highlighted all of your China packet and prepared your opening statement.
  • Make sure you are finishing your out of class activity forms. The end of the semester is near. SMASHn Counts!
  • Start taking a look at the Finals Study Guide
  • Fri


  • What to do with China Hot Seat
  • Video & Discussion: Two Million Minutes
  • Look at the updated, Finals Study Guide
  • Wed


  • Finish Film & Discussion: Two Million Minutes
  • Can you do better? MAP's 2nd geography activity
  • Middle East Quandries: The Syrian crisis
  • Prepare for the hotseat. Interactively read your Syria viewpoint and write and opening statement.
  • Look at the updated Finals Study Guide
  • Fri


  • Middle East Quandries: The Syrian crisis
  • Hot Seat: Syria
  • Do not forget your out of class participation forms I will accept them up to the final.
  • Moved by our discussion today and want to help? Go do something
  • Mon


    Remember Tiananmen (27 Years ago this week)
  • What can we do to help? RFK Quote and discussion.
  • Don't forget about your out of class participation. SMASH'n is worth 1 plus extra credit
  • You get a 3x5 or 4x6 card on the final but it must be handwritten or signed by your parents that you did it. It may not contain a map.