Homework/In Class Assignments for Mr. Davey's

Media Arts World History Class

Mr. Davey will slowly work to put his files on canvas. The course can be found here.

In the years immediately after the First World War, a promising new era of democracy seemed to be unfolding. The autocratic regimes in Russia, Germany and Austria, were all overthrown and replaced by republics. The seven newly-created states in Europe all adopted the republican form of government. Democracy seemed triumphant in the post-war world. Yet within two decades, many democratic countries in Europe were taken over by some kind of dictatorship. Russia became a Communist state. Italy and Germany became Fascist states. Only Czechoslovakia, France, and the UK remained democratic as an even greater war loomed.

Extra Credit movie format


In Class Activity


Due Next Class



  • Conclude Lecture/Political Cartoons: Totalitarianism in Russia
  • Begin Lecture: Italian Fascism
  • Semester Homework Contract due Thursday.
  • Print out read and choose your top TWO topics for the research paper
  • Print out and bring to class the Weimar Republic election in 1932 assignment.
  • Meet in the Writing and Research Center on Thursday.
  • Thur


  • Meet in Research Center: Introduction to Research Paper
  • Some good primary source broadsides/pictures on Women's Suffrage: Topic #2
  • Another good intro article for topic #12 and an opinion on one side here is this source and one for the other side.
  • If you have topic #11 you MUST include these topics for the atomic bomb topic for the paper please see this(but use the original sources), and this and this source which will lead you to the most important ideas on the bomb and give you many source ideas.
  • Some good magazine articles on topic #10 Mussolini & Mussolini 2
  • For Topic #9 you should consider using the Nye Committee Reports
  • Interesting source for the Ludendorff topic and another potentially useful
  • Good places to start on your Kulak topic A and Kulak Topic B

  • Remember that your source list for your research paper see due date. If you were absent today check in with Ms. Herzman or Davey ASAP. Start doing your research at our library's website and click on digital resources and then World at War and then log in and go to the top right and click on research lists.
  • Download and print out active student forms for the 2nd semester.
  • Tues


  • Finish Lecture: Italian Fascism
  • Begin Lecture: Structure of the Weimar Republic and the rise of Hitler
  • Assign Political Party Activity
  • Here is a good review of the 2nd half of our lecture from today (despite the pronunciation problems)
  • Print out if you wish, the Hitler Rising Powerpoint.
  • Read and highlight your Weimar Election Assignment and individual Political Party Handout (everyone got a different party/color). Start brainstorming some ideas for a storyboard and jotting an outline for your speech.
  • Thur


  • Rise of Hitler and his removal of civil liberties.
  • Extra Credit Videos for this unit include: Swing Kids using this worksheet or Sophie Scholl using the normal video guide.

  • Read and interactively highlight your packet on life in NAZI Germany.
  • Mon


  • Fascist Detour: Spanish Civil War
  • Continue Lecture: Weimar Germany & the Rise of Hitler
  • Life in Nazi Germany: Jigsaw
  • Here is a good source if you are choosing the Mussolini prompt #10
  • Interactively read book burning/Mein Kampf packet that you received in class a few days ago. (Do pages 2-3)
  • Interactively read and do the questions on the back of the fragile democracy reading.
  • Wed


  • Finish Activity: Life in Nazi Germany

  • If you have topic #11 you MUST include these topics for the atomic bomb topic for the paper please see this(but use the original sources), and this and this source which will lead you to the most important ideas on the bomb and give you many source ideas.
  • Print out and complete the Eugenics Worksheet -do not worry about the poster part as we aren't doing that this year
  • Print out (don't do anything with but bring to class) the Political Cartoon Analysis Sheet
  • Fri


  • Finish Lecture: Hitler in Power and Propaganda in the Third Reich.
  • Start discussing Hitler's Foreign Policy 1933-1938
  • Extra Credit Videos for this unit include: Swing Kids using this worksheet or Sophie Scholl using the normal video guide.
  • If you have the atomic bomb topic for the paper please see this, this, and and this.
  • Interactively read and do pages 1-4 and 6 in the brown packet (3 Strikes)
  • Work on your research paper
  • Tues


  • Lecture: Zenith of Appeasement: Crisis in Sudetenland
  • Should England have done something at Munich or was the extra time helpful?
  • Lil' Hitler
  • Do Political Cartoon Analysis Sheet
  • Extra Credit for this unit is due 2/7
  • Finish the political cartoons. Here is a copy of the cartoons we went over today if you'd like to continue studying them. Remember that we will have a political cartoon on our WW2 test (not the one next week).
  • Interactively read the green sheet and answer the questions on the back
  • Print out and bring to class the Battle of Britain Lecture Notes.
  • Thu


  • 30 Minute session with Mr. Heyman on Annotated Bibligraphies
  • Begin the war in Europe: Fall of Poland & War in the North, Attack on the west - to Belgium.
  • Here are the requirements for the annotated bibliography: Each citation should be followed by a brief (usually about 150 words) descriptive and evaluative paragraph, the annotation. The purpose of the annotation is to inform the reader of the relevance (why did you select it and how does it fit well into the paper), accuracy, and quality of the sources cited and describe whether or not they are a primary, secondary or tertiary source. It should not use personal pronouns.
  • This worksheet can help you understand today's lecture. I will not collect it.
  • Interactively read the Churchill and Coventry, London BlitzWorksheet. After reading both answer the question in one paragraph. If Churchill knew about the Coventry raid in advance was it the correct decision not to warn the city?
  • In case we get to it Print out and bring to class the Operation Barbarossa Lecture Notes.
  • Don't forget that Annotated Bibliography is due Monday too.
  • Go to new Website: WW2 and its legacy
  • Updated 1/30/18