MAP World History Class

Homework/In Class Assignments for Mr. Davey's

MAP World History Class

Introduction to the class and the foundations of democracy in Greece, Rome, and England. Mr. Davey will slowly work to put his files on canvas. The course can be found here.


In Class Activity

HW: Long Term Assignments

HW: Need Tomorrow!



  • Meet in Research Center Matrix
  • Website Discussion
  • Choose Teams and discuss Team Work
  • Great Egg Toss and Eggomercial

  • Begin organization of your class binder. Make sure to have your history portion sectioned out.
  • Please join our MAP 10 Facebook group
  • Print out the parliamentary debate format sheet and make a debate placard. (The sheet says 11x14 but 8.5x11 is fine) You will put the placard on your desk so I can learn your names and also use it for debates. Your flag and location should be from a province or a city in the United Kingdom and have the appropriate flag. (E.G. Flag of London.)
  • Tues


  • Reflection on Day #1
  • Go over course rules, roles, & room
  • How to interactively Read
  • Bring back green sheets signed.
  • Finish Interactively reading the gray Development of Democracy paper
  • Interactively read first three pages of English Packet: Glorious Revolution
  • Start gathering together your peasant, noble, clergy, or royalty costume for the upcoming simulation. We will choose roles for next Tuesday.
  • Thu


  • How to take cornell notes practice: Lecture: What is history? Types of History, Video Clip: (Ferris),
  • Development of Democracy: A Travel Guide, Greece, Rome (Roman Law Worksheet), and England (Hastings Worksheet)
  • Choose Roles for French Revolution Simulation
  • Research how to dress up for class next Thursday and get your costume together.
  • Interactively read pages 4&5 of the Glorious Revolution
  • Print out the active student form and start going to school events. The film tomorrow night will count.
  • Mon


  • Continue Development of Democracy: Rome and England
  • Review Rome PPT to help you are more prepared for our first test (after French Revolution).
  • Finish Roman Law: 12 Tables Worksheet
  • Finish the Glorious Revolution packet (Do not do a summary. Do the questions instead but leave the debate notes (on the side) and the boxes at the bottom of the last page blank.)
  • Download and read the parliament procedures.
  • Read the importance of women in the French Revolution. Complete the questions for for the document by next Tuesday. We will debate it during this unit. You do not need to Interactively read it.
  • Have your costume ready for your peasant, noble, clergy, or royalty costume for Thursday's simulation.
  • Go to new Website