Homework/In Class Assignments for Mr. Davey's

World History Class

The Holocaust & The Cold War Era

Extra Credit movie format

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In Class Activity


Due Next Class



Period 2: History: Everyone Meets in MAP Annex
  • Continue Cold War: Debate Who started the cold war? Documents C&D & Mini-Debate Class
  • Recalling America's Infamy in the Cold War Guatemala and the CIA
    Period 4: Media: Everyone Meets in MAP Annex: Guest Speaker - Jim Fitzgerald: Tips and Tricks in the Interview Process and short practice sessions
    Period 6: English: Trial students go to English to work on trial and Genocide Convention people go to Davey to work on convention.
  • Print out and do this quick worksheet
  • Print out the Cold War Lecture Notes and bring to class!
  • Bring your binder completely organized to the test to be checked in class on the date of the test (4/4).
  • Continue Studying for WW2 Test and Genocide Quest: See Totalitarianism Study Guide, WW2 studyguide and Holocaust Study Guide. This fill in guide might be helpful too.
  • Mon


  • Class reading: Indictment of the Cold War nations
  • Lecture/Video: the Korean War & Modern North Korea & the Vietnam Conflict
  • Crisis in Guatemala Reading
  • Finish doing pages 9-10, 15-17, & 20 in your packet. You should have done most of them in class.
  • Bring your binder completely organized to the test to be checked in class on the date of the test.
  • Continue Studying for WW2 Test and Genocide Quest: See Totalitarianism Study Guide, WW2 studyguide and Holocaust Study Guide. This fill in guide might be helpful too.
  • Wed


  • WW2 Test. Remember this HUGE test has a European map, multiple choice, matching, true-false, time occurrences etc.
  • Lecture Continued the Death of Stalin Sputnik 1950s-
  • Watch Bridge of Spies for extra credit.
  • watch until 4:18 in the Crash Course: Asia History and take notes (in your notes).
  • Interactively Read and do pages 16-20 in your packet.
  • Fri


  • MAP Takes LinkedIn.
  • Watch Bridge of Spies for extra credit.
  • watch until 4:18 in the Crash Course: Asia History and take notes (in your notes).
  • Interactively Read and do pages 16-20 in your packet.
  • Tues


  • Lecture: The Vietnam Conflict & the Death of Stalin Sputnik 1950s & the Cuban Missile Crisis
  • Interactively read pages 22-25 in your packet.
  • Here is an article on North Korea becoming a greater threat....don't be scared.
  • Check out nuclear megaton fallout
  • Take a look at the Domesday Clock record.
  • Make sure that you have completed pages 1-25 in your packet. We've done most of them in class.
  • Thu


  • Genocide Convention and Trial of the Average German
  • Interactively read pages 22-25 in your packet.
  • Interactively read and summarize your genocide convention handout
  • Mon


  • Lecture cont: Cold War in the 1981-1985: Able Archer, Aggressive American Foreign Policy, - Reagan in Central America (SNL clip), America versus the Evil Empire, Music, Gorbachev and Glasnost
  • Interactively Read pages 28-31 in packet
  • Wed


  • Lecture: Cold War in the 1985-1991: The Gorbachev Reform Era and Discussions about the path of the USSR)
  • Crossfire: Gorbachev choices
  • Lecture: The End of the Soviet Union

  • Cold War Quest coming up Here is a study guide
  • Read pages 34-40 in your packet
  • Interactively read and write a paragraph introduction to your US Policy for Russia Handout
  • Here is the cold war study guide so you can get started.
  • Fri


  • Hot Seat: What to do with Russia
  • Start DeColonialization
  • I will collect the cold war packet on Monday
  • Do your option 5 with American policy toward Russia
  • Here is the cold war study guide.
  • Go to the next website