MAP World History Class

Homework/In Class Assignments for Mr. Davey's

Media Arts World History Class

Mr. Davey will slowly work to put his files on canvas. The course can be found here.

World War I was a tragic war that engulfed Europe from 1914 to 1919, with huge losses of life and little ground lost or won. Fought mostly by soldiers in trenches, World War I saw an estimated 10 million military deaths and another 20 million wounded. While many hoped that World War I would be "the war to end all wars," in actuality, the concluding peace treaty set the stage for World War II.

Extra Credit movie format . Note only one per unit (30 points Max)


In Class Activity

Upcoming Homework

HW Due Next Class



  • Mini-Peace Conference and review of crisis in Balkans - 1908
  • Art, literature, and music in 19th Century Europe

  • Here is the powerpoint from today.
  • Interactively read the War in Belgium
  • Interactively read handout you received in class regarding the situation for the 5 countries in 1914
  • Remember that if you did poorly on the next test you have 4 tutorials to come in and do a test debrief
  • Tues


  • Lead up to the Great War (MANIA)
  • Negotiations to avoid war
  • The war in 1914: Invasion of Belgium, the Schlieffen Plan, & Plan XVII
  • A little more on the Archduke: Shunned by the elite of Viennese society, he was also called the loneliest man in Vienna. He lacked the two key elements for success in this social scene - charm and elegance. His home life appears to have been much better. His marriage to Countess Sophia von Chotkowa und Wognin, Duchess of Hohenburg in 1900 was called one of the world's great love affairs. Unfortunately the Emperor considered the Duchess a commoner and tried to convince Franz Ferdinand he was marrying beneath his station. They went through with the marriage against the Emperor's wishes but had to renounce rights of rank and succession for their children.
  • Interactively highlighting the worksheet WW1 New WeaponsWrite and answer at least 3 questions about the material on the back, and staple it to yourWW1 New Weapons B(on which you should read interactively and do the questions rather than a summary).
  • Thu


  • Continue Lecture: The war in 1914: Invasion of Belgium, and the Battle of Tannenberg
  • Discuss the Trial of Kaiser Wilhelm
  • Stalemate and the Xmas Truce
  • Start Film Clip: Joyeux Noel
  • Extra credit movies for this unit they include: Beneath Hill 60, War Horse, or finish watching Joyeux Noel and do the film guide extra credit.
  • Read, highlight, and do the questions for the (you can do them in the margins): Trench Warfare (It should be interactive [without the summary] and don't forget to answer all the questions including the main one at the end. Do this in your Choices of War Packet (that you received in English) but turn the letter into me. It should explain the conditions in the trenches you are experiencing. Also, do not forget to finish the sentence: 'These extracts tell me that ...').
  • Mon


  • Finish Film Clip: Joyeux Noel
  • Weapons of War & Total War: Zeps, Air Bombardment, Gas, the blockade & the Lusitania
  • WW1 in 1915: The Gallipoli Campaign
  • To rid the map of every trace of Germany and of the Hun, we must exterminate that race. We must not leave a single one. Heed not their children's cries best slay all now, the women, too or else someday again they'll rise which if they're dead, they cannot do.
  • Remember to start work on the trial.
  • Read, and listen to this article on Gallipoli 100 Years Later or PDF Version here - and then write a 5-7 sentence paragraph on the piece. Make sure to include details from the attached soundcloud excerpt.
  • Mon


  • Lecture: Armenian Genocide: What, When and Why? - history rewrite and discussion.
  • Continue WW1 Lecture (1916&1917): Verdun, and the Somme
  • Mini Debate Total War?
  • For Extra Credit: "'Do history in depth page (one sided)' on the Armenian Genocide for your textbook page 410a. Here is the assignment. Here is a sample from last year.

  • Take a look at the WW1 Review.
  • Listen and respond with a brief letter and a question to Levon's soundcloud : statement. Also consider writing your congressperson or senator about this topic or the genocide occurring right now in Myanamar.
  • Print out and interactively read Armenian Genocide Don't forget to write a summary at the end.

  • Interactively read source packet about the first day of the Battle of the Somme.
  • Print out, bring to class, and do A-C before class of the Battle of the Somme Graphic Organizer
  • Reminder that we meet in room 802 Wednesday.
  • Wed


  • WW1 Day!
  • DBQ Lecture and sample write. Download this form to write your essay
  • You are welcome to look back at old review sheets and the WW1 Studyguide
  • Extra Credit Film Opportunity from today: Paths of Glory(about the Mutiny) or Behind the Lines (about Sassoon and Owen)
  • Don't forget to turn the packet with your DBQ introduction. Include the source list from before.
  • Here is a pdf of the power point we did in class today.
  • Continue prepping for the Trial of Kaiser Wilhelm. Lawyers, please print out this objection list to help you control your opposition. This is also a helpful aide for the trial
  • Fri


  • The Great War in 1917: Clips of 3rd Battle of Ypres (Battle of Passchendaele & Mutiny.)
  • Video/ Lecture: Propaganda in the Great War and the war in 1917-1918: Clip from Lighthorseman.
  • Make sure you are wrapping up your research and preparation for the Kaiser Wilhelm Trial.
  • Are you ready for the WW1 Test? It will be the first part of the final. See the sample quiz
  • Extra Credit Movies from today's discussion include Behind the Lines (for you poetry fans) and Paths of Glory (for those of you who like trial films) and Lawrence of Arabia. Remember that two of my favorites, Joyeux Noel and War Horse are still available too. Do the film guide extra credit.
  • Review Map of Western Front at BBC Website to help with the WW1 section on the final.
  • Print out and do WW1 Map Analysis.
  • Tues


  • Fishbowl: Sub in Davey's Class
  • Lecture: Lead up to Versailles
  • Mock Versailles Peace Conference
  • Versailles Play
  • Use this studyguide to get ready for Great War part of the final.
  • You can still do an extra credit movie (due on day of the trial) See format at top of each web page.
  • see Suffragette for extra credit. Format is normal one.
  • If you've lost them, download and print out active student forms which are do @ the end of the semester (or if for some reason you haven't finished them for this semester there are basketball games this week).
  • Finish Interactively Reading the Devastated World from class.
  • Here is the study guide for the WW1 Section of the final.
  • Be ready for trial. Come dressed! Witnesses should have their biographies ready 1.5-2 pages double spaced. The papers should reflect your character's significance in the trial. Make sure you cite your sources.
  • Thu


  • Finish Lecture/Discussion: Results of WW1
  • Trial of Kaiser Wilhelm
  • Jury Papers are due 12/13
  • Lawyers please complete the Lawyer Evaluation
  • Mon


  • Finish WW1
  • Lecture: Russian Revolution through 1916
  • Choose Roles for Duma Simulation
  • Be ready for mock duma: Duma Characters You need to have acostume and a one minute speeches ready (based entirely on the information in the packet) and a picture of your character. Dress up well it is 10% of your grade. Non-Duma members make sure to print out this.
  • Print out and interactively read the documents for a Russian Revolution.DBQ
  • Wed


  • Duma Activity
  • Lecture and DBQ Reading - the Causes of the Russian Revolution
  • Lecture: Russian Civil War and the significance of Lenin, Trotsky, &
  • For those of you who still need your Out of Class Participation, there are basketball games Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday and Love Actually night on 12/21 (which counts for participation and extra credit).
  • Interactively read a statement from a former student of Mr. Davey regarding the importance of studying Modern Russia
  • Peasants, workers, and liberals need to staple their notes and write a one paragraph explanation of why they voted for a certain duma character
  • Write a one paragraph intro to a potential DBQ on the Russian Revolution.
  • Make sure you have completed your out of class activities form. It is due on the final (or after Love Actually Night but turn it in early. There are soccer and basketball games this week.
  • Fri


  • Russian Revolution
  • Lecture: Stalin's Russia
  • Political Cartoon Activity
  • History, despite its wrenching pain, cannot be un-lived, but if faced with courage, need not be lived again. .
         ---poet Maya Angelou
  • Complete the blue packet we started in class: Infacy of Weimar Republic. It is the first 10 points of the final exam.
  • Here is the Final studyguide. Please note that the final has been shortened and 80% of it will be on WW1. There will be two maps on the final (WW1 before and after). You MAY NOT have maps on your notecard or anything resembling a map or it will be considered cheating.
  • Print out and bring to class the second semester homework contract
  • Go to the new website

  • Updated 11/13/17