Mock Duma—December 1916


Russia has experienced a half a century of radical change since the freeing of the serfs in 1861.  The country has rapidly industrialized feeding a growing working class, which has sympathies with the philosophy expounded by the socialist movement.  The small but influential middle class is drawn to the liberal values of the western democracies including freedom of speech, press, assembly etc.  Meanwhile, the nobility, which owns most of the land, frowns upon serious reform.  These competing factions have resulted in the Russian government moving back and forth between reform impulses (which brought about this Duma) and crackdowns such as during the Bloody Sunday demonstrations.  In foreign affairs Russia has experienced a series of disastrous defeats including an embarrassing loss in the 1904—1905 Russo—Japanese war, and a series of setbacks in the ongoing First World War.  Where should Russia go from here, December 1916??you, the Duma will decide.


Citizen Responsibilities

The teacher will separate you into:

       3/4 peasants

       1/8 workers

       1/8 soldiers

On the first day

On the day of the Duma


Speaker Responsibilities

Gregory Rasputin, Vladimir Lenin, Prime Minister Peter Stolypin, Czarina Alexandra Fedorovna, Czar Nicholas II, Leon Trotsky, Alexander Krensky, Michael Rodzianko, Father George Gapon, General Kornilov, and Paul Miliukov.