Homework and In Class Assignments for
Pre-Economics Unit:

Mini-Unit Personal Finance

and Stock Market Explanation

Extra Credit Film Format.

This unit will focus on National Economic goals with the belief that high school students should be able to take individual responsibility for their personal economic well-being. Accordingly, I financially literate high school graduate's should be able to:
Unit A's Objectives: Students understand common economic terms and concepts and economic reasoning.
1. Find, evaluate, and apply financial information
2. Set financial goals and plan to achieve them
3. Develop income-earning potential and the ability to save
4. Understand the perils and responsibilities with incurring private debt.
5. Use financial services effectively and understand the tools such as savings, CDs, money markets, stock and bond investments which can help build and protect wealth

Class Activity
  • Junior Achievement Presentation on Personal Finance
  • Bring back your government books on Friday
  • Wed
  • RBG
  • Print out your home management assignment and bring it to class.
  • Finish and turn in your RBG Video Guide
  • Bring back your government books
  • Fri
  • Finish Lecture: Personal Financial Literacy (Credit Cards & Debt)
  • Check this website
  • Keep track of every expense on your phone the next ten days.
  • Take the Personal Finance Test
  • Complete the home management assignment (page 2 of home management )
  • With you partner find and print out a specific credit card deal and write on paragraph on why it is the best choice for you.
  • By the end of the year it would be beneficial to make sure you have plans for a credit card and active control of a bank account. Talk to your parents about this. Also, you need to track your spending for the two weeks.
  • Tues
  • Discussion Credit Card Deals
  • Credit Card Report
  • Activity forms due a week from Thursday. MAP Movie Night on Friday and SMASHn next week both count.
  • Here is a PDF of the important slides from my personal finance lecture to help you. It has the tax information too.
  • Thu

  • Personal Finance Lecture Continued: Guest Speaker
  • Create a one page post college plan. It should assume that you get a job in your chosen field and figure out the salary. 2. Next select an appartment. 3. Figure out your approximate taxes. 4. Figure out what you are going to do with the rest based on the average percentages from class. (Turn it in to class on Tuesday.
  • Tues
  • Mural Preparation and stock market discussion
  • Prep for mural or regular final. I will label your groups slot on Monday morning. Bring equipment - Suggestions: Thoroughly wash your wall then primer it. Bring sponges, newspapers or drop cloths, and pencils/sharpies to do your design before you paint it. Get some extra bright colors of paint from (Acrylic Outdoor Paint from Kelly Moore is especially good)
  • the Regular final be from the last 3 mini-units and will consist of the following: 30 questions on Personal Finance and 15 on he Congress.
  • Thur
  • Final Examination: Public Policy and Personal Finance or Group Mural Final
  • Activity forms due on Thursday.
  • Here is a PDF of the important slides from my personal finance lecture to help you. It has the tax information too.