Mon. 5/31


The swelling in both arms has gone down.


Kathleen has been sleeping a lot.


She watched Young Frankenstein intently today.



Sun. 5/30


Using the  Median Nerve stimulator has been delayed. It’s application will now begin later this week after specific protocol is established by Kaiser


Kathleen’s heart rate was high.



Sat. 5/29


The Davey family would like to again thank all of those who donated,

helped organize and work last night's successful auction.  Thanks also

to the multitude of people who showed up to support Kathleen.
The event was not only a great success that helped raise financial resources

Kathleen will need, but helped revitalize her family to help support her on
her road to recovery.  Kathleen would have been embarrassed by the publicity

of the event but truly touched by the community's compassion.  This event
signaled an important start on her road to recovery and the family will continue

to need such compassion and help to bring Kathleen back.

Kathleen's fever apparently broke today.  She is no
longer sweating, is more relaxed and sleeping often.


Trials of the median nerve stimulator could begin tomorrow


Fri. 5/28


The swelling in Kathleen’s right arm has gone a bit. Her left arm looks like it’s bigger.


Kathleen looks a bit grumpy today.


She’s getting an X-ray to determine if there is a chest infection due to high secretions (mucous) .


Her oxygen level is a bit lower than normal and her heart rate higher than normal.


The meeting with Kaiser officials went well today. On the issues brought up by the family in the Ethics Committee:


         1.) Nerve Stimulator they are looking to potentially start median nerve stimulator on Monday

         2.) Physical Therapy- she will be getting 15 minutes a day from a physical therapist and nurses

                                    will be trained and then perform PT twice a night.

3.) Wheelchair- Kaiser is going to fit Kathleen for a wheelchair and it will be ready in about a week.

4.) Blood Flow Spec Scan- after Kathleen recovers from her IV episode, Kaiser will perform a BFP Scan.

5.) Pharmaceuticals- Dr. Sandel from Kaiser Vallejo Rehab will do an evaluation and to look into other pharmacological options.

6.) Heart- Kaiser is going to re-evaluate some of the cause and place a geneticist to look into possible causes.

         7.) Doctor Care- Limit the number of different doctors caring for Kathleen from a different doctor every week to 2 doctors for the duration of her stay

8.) Compassionate Protocol- research branch in Oakland will start to evaluate possible compassionate protocol options.


Here is a letter from Joe to Kathleen.


News on the fundraiser for tonight:

·         An anonymous donor has donated $50,000 to Kathleen and is pledging to match, dollar for dollar,

every donation received up to an additional $50,000.

·         Credit cards are accepted

·         Donation checks must be marked “Matching Funds” and made out to:  The Kathleen Davey Fund.

·         All winners must pick up their items Friday night.


Thu. 5/27


Kathleen was not feeling well and had a 100 degree temp.


Kathleen’s father in law has noticed that there is more eye movement and instances of tracking.


Kimberly Davey, Kathleen's sister in law was assigned to create a video project in her Communications

Technology Class.  She was to create a tribute to her best friend.  If you have quicktime, you can watch a

rough copy of her tribute to Kathleen here.


Reminder: Those planning on attending tomorrow’s Silent Auction at Santa Clara Univ., please RSVP via the Evite.



Wed. 5/26


Update: Kathleen’s left arm is now swelling due to issues revolving around the PICC line. Doctors also determined

              that Kathleen’s blood clot is still present in her left arm although not as significant as before.


           Kaiser assigned a Physical Therapist to work on Kathleen once a day.  Kaiser is also planning on training

  night nurses to perform physical therapy once a night.


 Doctors are testing Kathleen to see if Kathleen has something else besides the staph infection.


             Even going through all of this adversity, Kathleen looks stunning!


The  swelling in Kathleen’s hand is going down.


Kathleen is sleeping  a lot due to yesterday’s surgery and her nurses suctioning her trach every half hour

(she had a lot of phlegm) for most of the night and this morning. Her trach is not plugged today.


Due to the number of people attending the silent auction, the family is trying to fill time slots to watch

Kathleen on Fri. during the auction and most of Sat.  (Mike is scheduled for almost the whole day).  If you can help,

please email him.


The Silent Auction is this Fri. Here is some more info. and a nice press release from KKUP 91.5 FM with details.



Tue. 5/25


Around 4:00 Kathleen returned from surgery. She has a new PICC line. She is doing OK.


UPDATE: Doctors cannot get an IV lin into her arm that was affected by yesterday’s event.  Today, doctors now will

perform surgery to  put a PICC line in.

The Davey family inquired about the administration of Wydase (Hyaluronidase) after yesterday's event to

reduce tissue necrosis.  Apparently the IV containing the powerful antibiotic

vancomycin slipped out of her tube and punctured her hand dripping the fluid into her flesh for an unknown

length of time during the early morning hours of May 24th.


Kathleen’s arm is still in the splint and is elevated.


Mon. 5/24


In the middle of the night Kathleen's IV which was giving her vancomycin slipped out and went into her

flesh. She has fluid in her arm and a splint wrapped around it. Kathleen was sweating profusely due

to her catheter was plugged her heart rate is elevated and she may need minor surgery on her arm.  Her

arm has to be elevated for the next 48 hours to allow for the swelling to go down. They are taking her pulse

 every hour because hand injuries are dangerous.


Kathleen’s eyes have continued to be more active and she cried this morning when Kim was telling her about how

Samie and Rachie were jumping on the bed last night singing "mommy come home.


Sun. 5/23


Kathleen has appeared more focused to those in the hospital but her breathing has been a bit
erratic- she seems to be taking too many breaths.

Kathleen’s treatment on vancomycin continues

There is some question as to whether Kathleen's liver is being effected by the statins she is on. Doctors
are trying to determine what her normal liver tests were like prior to the incident in January



Sat. 5/22


Kathleen got her hair styled Gene, her hair stylist.


Kathleen has a fever that is up and down and is being treated for a staph infection.


An EEG was administered to determine if she was experiencing seizures.


The hospital has initially gave the go ahead for a blood flow specs- a procedure requested in the Ethics Committee letter.



Fri. 5/21


Kathleen’s fever started to decline.


Doctors put her on Vanco, a strong anti-biotic, for a possible infection. Lab results come back today.


Kathleen went 36 hours on her own with the trach plugged.


Kathleen’s lip is healing.


So far, no word back from Kaiser after the Ethics Committee.


The American Heart Association’s Skate a-thon held in Belmont is tomorrow. Some of the proceeds will benefit the Davey fund. Here is the info .



Thu. 5/20


Kathleen continued to have a low grade fever.



Wed. 5/19


Kathleen had a slight fever today.


Kaiser and the family are meeting for the Ethics Committee hearing tonight. Here is the family’s letter.


Please note: there is an American Heart Association Skate-a –thon fundraiser which will help benefit Kathleen this Saturday. Here is the info .


Tue. 5/18


In a letter dated May 14th (Rachel's Birthday) Kaiser dealt another blow to her mommy's hopes.  The letter reads:


"Kaiser Foundation Health Plan's Regional Appeals Committee has met to review your request for your wife

to have the following: Plan coverage of a Journey to Recovery consulation, entry into a promising stem cell

study to regenerate lost brain cells, and improvement of neurogenesis through nutrition through nutrition

and drug treatment.  After a careful review of your records and other relevant information, the Committee

has respectfully denied your request."  The letter goes on to state that there is "no evidence" that any

therapy will revitalize dead neurons" There seems to be a lack of research on Kaiser’s part in that

numerous academic journals and even this week’s Business Week document evidence.


Bean bit her lip which had been healing very well.


She has been more alert the past two days and her right pupil is more reactive to light than it has been.



Mon. 5/17


Kathleen was very responsive today.


Kathleen sat in the cardiac chair for 2 hours. Sitting in the cardiac chair is like a workout to Kathleen. She slept well afterwards.



Sat-Sun. 5/15-5/16


Kaiser doctors will be taking Kathleen off of the last blood thinners.


Kathleen has another mild infection in which she will be taking anti-biotics.


Here’s a Mercury News Article on Kathleen. Note: you may have to register (it’s free) to view.



Fri. 5/14-


Swelling in Kathleen's neck has been reduced greatly ad she looks more comfortable and peaceful in the past few days.


Mike and Samie visited Sacramento on Wed. and met California State Controller Steve Wesley . She was awarded for her bravery and courage in an Assembly Resolution for making the 911 call.


Kaiser has approved the use of vinpocetine.


Happy birthday Rachel! She’s a big 5! Rachel and the family will be celebrating with Kathleen at the hospital today.


Letter #4 to Kathleen



Thu. 5/13-


Ethics committee meeting tentatively scheduled for next Wednesday


Dr. Englander likely to come Friday or Monday.  Davey family does not expect Kathleen to qualify for the Journey to Life Program but would like a fuller

evaluation of her condition and proposed treatment options.


Kathleen’s neck’s swelling is going down.


Kaiser doctors are conferring on vinpocetine and will make decision today or tomorrow 


Here is another letter to Kathleen.


Wed. 5/12-


Kathleen had an ultrasound test on her neck and it turned out negative


Fresh Choice continues to have a fundraiser on Thursdays in which part of the proceeds go to the Davey fund. The flyer must be brought in. Here is the flyer.  Also, Margaret Wang, a freshman at the high school, has setup a skate-a-thon  for the Davey fund via the American Heart Association. Please read this for details.


Tue. 5/11-


Unfortunate news regarding getting Kathleen into a clinical trial using bone marrow cells (similar to stem cells) to treat cancer- she did not qualify.  If anybody has information about bone marrow trials please let us know.


Kathleen has been sleeping a lot the past few days but today she’s been awake during the day.


Yesterday, Kathleen sat in the cardiac chair for about an hour looking out on the valley from her room.


Kathleen’s neck seemed swollen.


Here is letter #3



Mon. 5/10-


Kathleen had a slight fever but it came down in the afternoon.


Kathleen had an ultrasound to check to see if she still has a blood clot in her arm. Results pending.


Kathleen is coughing a lot, but coughing well.

Kathleen is breathing on her own for the past two days but with extra oxygen.

She is also moving individual fingers again today, and stuck her tongue out on command 3 times.


Girls saw Kathleen yesterday and made a sang a special song, danced, and also combed her hair. 



Sun 5/9-


Here are Mother’s Day letters from Samie and Rachie.


Sat. 5/8-


Kathleen is doing much better this morning.  She is loose and more responsive, seems to be over her problems
from Thursday evening and Friday morning.


Kathleen’s lip is also getting better.


Fri. 5/7-


Kaiser unofficially offered to pay for Dr. Englander’s evaluation of Kathleen.


An X-ray of Kathleen’s lungs was taken this morning to see if there are any problems with her lungs. She had a block of her catheter which could have been responsible for some of her difficulties yesterday.


Kathleen is not feeling well today. She was less responsive than the previous couple of days. She is sweaty and pale and less responsive that previous days.


There was a preliminary denial of Vinpocetine by Kaiser.


Family asked for a meeting with the hospital’s ethics committee to discuss her case.


The family asked for a blood flow spec scan for Kathleen on the recommendation of numerous doctors and neuroscientists however, it was denied.



Thu. 5/6 –


Kathleen had a rough night last night.  She had many incidents where she tightened up and she bit her lip

hard (it is now quite swollen). 


As the evening wore on her blood pressure and heart rate climbed and she began to sweat profusely. 


She was administered ativan and slowly returned toward normal levels and fell asleep at midnight (hopefully a good sign for the day to come)


Reminder- Fundraiser at Fresh Choice tonight (Thu.) and every Thu. from 4-9 (flyer linked above must be brought in)



Wed. 5/5


Kathleen seems to be more aware of her environment.


The Davey family requested to know the names of the committee members who heard the Davey family appeal speech. Unfortunately Kaiser would not release their names. The reason for the denial to use the median nerve stimulator  was because, according to Kaiser, “medical research indicates that there is no evidence that stimulating the median nerve of patients who are in a vegetative state suffering from anoxic brain injury will improve brain function.”  and that Dr. Jeff Chen’s results were only “anecdotal.”  They also stated that Dr. Chen was the pioneer in the use of the median nerve stimulator which is incorrect.  Dr. Chen  actually gives credit to Dr. Cooper in North Carolina in his aired interview on CBS’s morning show and medical journals back this fact.


Still no word on whether Vinpocetine will be administered.


Silent Auction News



Tue. 5/4


Kaiser denied the family’s appeals request for use of the median nerve stimulator. Unfortunately, the Kaiser representatives did not listen to the whole speech as the speech was cut off with important sections unheard. The doctors said that electrical stimulation has shown no proof to help in patients in a vegetative state or with an anoxic brain injury.  Kaiser stated that Dr. Chen’s data was anecdotal  without scientific results. Obviously they ignored this part, among other parts, of Mike’s speech: “Researchers at the Department of Neurological Surgery at the Nihon University School of medicine recently finished a ten year longitudinal study of the effects of electrical stimulation for patients in a persistent vegetative state.   Eight of the 21 patients emerged from the vegetative state and were able to follow commands.  The study concluded that not only were patients who received the deep brain stimulation therapy more mentally capable, but likely to live longer than ‘the usual survival time for untreated PVS.’”


Kathleen seems to be more focused when people talk to her.


She is grinding her teeth a bit more.


Kaiser preemptively sent a letter to the Davey family denying funding for Valley Medical’s Journey to Recovery program and for Dr. Englander’s assessment visitation. The family had not yet asked Kaiser to fund the possible placement of Kathleen into the program. Within the letter, the family is perplexed by the statement that the “problems of communication” had been addressed in Kaisers previous letter addressed March 30th.



Sun-Mon 5/2-5/3


Kathleen is on antibiotics for an urinary infection.


Mike gave his appeal speech to Kaiser today at 10:30. Here is the text of that speech: Mike’s Speech.


Kathleen’s chest X-ray was negative so she does not have pneumonia.


Here is another kind letter the family would like to share. Letter #2 (link now works- I promise!)


The Davey’s are still awaiting word about Vinpocetine.